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globalsoft elevates worker efficiency and optimizes production by implementing a manufacturing dashboard, which gives the worker and management detailed and real-time data. Plan the production more thoroughly, react to stoppages quickly and elevate efficiency to higher levels.
globalsoft was hired by a German company specialized in processing and packaging of food, to solve their need of a production plan dashboard, which would in a visually pleasing yet comprehensive way give real-time data related to the status of each particular line, keep maintenance on schedule and quicker response time to resolve any stoppages.
The primary challenge was crafting a software solution which could ingest real-time data from multiple production lines, filter out the most relevant information and visually represent it in a way that is pleasing but also informative and detailed. Due to the size of factory, the visual solution had to be adapted for large screens which can be seen from most points inside of the premises. This required a delicate balance between speed, as the data had to be shown as close as possible to real-time, and UX, as it had to be noy only visible but clearly readable from most points inside of the company premises.
Tools Used
globalsoft crafted a simple yet powerful tool to visualize the current production data of all lines of manufacturing. The software was built keeping clean code principles in mind, while keeping it visually pleasing and easily readable and understandable from any place and by any person.
Clear and Intuitive Visualization
Built with Clean Code Principles
Accessible and User-Friendly
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